Your Most Important New Year's Resolution: A Kids Protection Plan

avoid court and conflict babysitters children guardian guide healthcare directives incapacity kids protection plan Dec 31, 2024
The Legal Mama's LegalEase Newsletter cover with the article title: "Your Most Important New Year's Resolution: A Kids Protection Plan"

 As we welcome the New Year, filled with hope and resolutions for a brighter future, if you have minor children or grandchildren, put this commitment at the top of your list– a Kids Protection Plan called The Guardian Guide.  

Even if you have already named legal guardians for your children (or your siblings have done it for their kids, or your kids have done it for your grandchildren), most people … even lawyers! … make 1 of 6 common mistakes when naming legal guardians. And, if you (or your siblings or your children) haven’t named legal guardians for minors you care about, make it your New Year’s resolution is to take care of the littles in your life before the end of this month.

It can be hard to think about a future where you couldn’t be there for the people you care about the most, but having a plan in place will ensure the little ones you love stay in the care of the people they know and trust in the event you become incapacitated or die. If you do not take action, the decisions about their care could be left up to chance, or to whichever judge is overseeing the family court at the time something happens.  

This is not just some task to add to your to-do list; it's a warm embrace of security for the littles you love. So, why is this the ultimate resolution for you in 2025? 


Unforeseen Circumstances Can Leave Your Kids In the Care of Strangers (or Worse)

What could be worse than your kids being left in the care of strangers if something happens to you? Your kids being left in the care of that one person you know you’d never want making decisions about their education, healthcare, or financial life. If you don’t have a person like that in your life, lucky you!

And, you still want to choose who makes the most important decisions for your kids, if you can’t, right? 

Imagine your kids at home with a babysitter, and you don’t make it home. Your babysitter waits, and frets, but doesn’t know what to do.

They have no choice but to call the authorities because you didn’t leave any instructions otherwise. Or...maybe you left them with the last words of "you have our cell phone numbers if there is an emergency!" What good is that going to do if YOU are the emergency?? The authorities arrive and they have no choice but to take your kids into the care of strangers, even if you’ve already named legal guardians in your Will.

They probably don’t know where your Will is located. And, if they can find it quickly, they may not know how to get in touch with the people you’ve named. Or, the people you’ve named all live hours or even days away.

Finally, because your Will must go through the court process to be operative, the authorities can put your kids in the care of people who may be strangers to your kids - or even someone you wouldn’t want - while they wait for the Court process to play out.

But, not to worry, we do have a solution! It’s called aGuardian Guide, and it will solve each of these problems plus ensure your children are never in the care of anyone you wouldn’t want.  


AGuardian Guide Lets You Pick Who Cares for Your Kids - Not a Judge

Is there someone in your life whom you unequivocally would never want raising your kids? Even if you’ve already named Permanent Legal Guardians for them, it’s still up to a judge to make the official determination of who should raise your children long-term. If this person is an immediate family member, the judge may choose them as your kids’ Permanent legal guardian if they come forward as a candidate, despite what your permanent guardian nomination paperwork says. Crazy, I know! But it’s how the system works.

A comprehensiveGuardian Guide confidentially excludes anyone you would never want raising your kids and we’ve figured out how to create it in a way that makes it highly unlikely that anyone you would never want to take custody or care of your kids would even try. With this confidential document, you can ensure your children are always kept out of the care of anyone you would never want to make decisions for them. 


You Have Unique Desires for Your Kids’ Education, Healthcare, and Financial Well-Being

You spend an inordinate amount of time planning your kids' activities, their care, and their birthday parties. You almost certainly have distinct desires regarding their education, healthcare, and financial well-being. AGuardian Guide allows you to articulate these wishes in a way that provides your kids’ Legal Guardians with guidance and your children with the comfort of their routine. 

Plus, providing clear instructions to potential guardians ensures your children's upbringing aligns with your values and aspirations. This process not only secures their future but also provides you with clarity about your parenting priorities.


Comprehensive Protection for the Ones You Love Most

While nominating permanent legal guardians is fundamental, it might not suffice in every situation. A full-fledgedGuardian Guide offers a holistic approach, addressing the potential pitfalls of leaving your kids with caregivers, excluding unwanted individuals from guardianship, and outlining your unique desires for their well-being. This comprehensive plan ensures that your children remain in the care of trusted individuals who understand and respect your values.

If you're ready to make creating aGuardian Guide your most significant New Year’s resolution, the first step is to schedule your Life & Legacy Planning Session™. During the Session, we’ll guide you through our unique, heart-centered process to tailor a plan that reflects your wishes, secures your family's future, and includes aGuardian Guide

And unlike other resolutions that may be hard to stick to, we’re here to guide and support you through every step to ensure your Kids Protection Plan® offers the best protection for the people you love - both now and for years to come.

Click the link below to schedule a complimentary call to learn more about our process and schedule your own Life & Legacy Planning Session®. 

Book a Complimentary Call or Session

This article is a service of Sarah Breiner (The Legal Mama) and Breiner Law Firm, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That's why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning Session®, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Life & Legacy Planning Session®.

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